Linea-D Furniture presents

Nature in its

purest form



At Linea-D we continuously reinvent ourselves and so does our furniture. With the right tools to satisfy our customers needs we strive to get the perfect result at the highest level of quality. In the last 20 Years we created over 500 different variations that are both practical and beautiful to look at. 

Take a peek


The custom creation hub

Do you have a certain shape in mind or a use case thought through? We got you covered. With 20 years of expertise in development and design we can bring your vision to life and create the most fitting solution that will leave your customers and yourself in awe. Care for a get together?

Fulfilment ahead

We give back what we receive

Certification for being sustainable and ECO friendly

Being a certified manufacturer our company is only using wood from 100% certified sustainable sources and the manufacturing process runs on 100% renewable energy. To understand that our environment needs to be met with great respect and caution roots deeply at Linea-D and that shows in every piece that leaves our premises.

About Linea-D